Florida Poly Full logo

Florida Poly Full logo - reversed

Florida Poly Alt logo - full color and reversed

Florida Poly Mark logo - full color and reversed

Florida Poly Alt logo t-shirt application

Florida Poly Business Card mock up
Challenge: Design an updated logo that was modern enough to properly represent Florida Poly, but was traditional enough to fit within the Higher Education industry. The previous logo was quickly put together, had no symbolism, and did not have any well-designed variations. Solution: The redesigned Florida Poly logo is comprised of two parts - the mark and the type. Because Florida Poly has little brand awareness, the two are always to be used together in the below variations. The mark is packed full of symbolism; the main building on campus has louvers which move based on the sun's position. The mark represents that characteristic by using opacities of white to create movement. The actual positioning of the louvers within the mark is based off of a rendering provided by the architect illustrating the functionality. The movement in the mark is increasing which represents the forward-thinking approach found at Florida Poly. Lastly, the number of louvers (four) are representative of each area of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). Roles: Logo design, graphic design
Florida Poly Full logo
Florida Poly Full logo - reversed
Florida Poly Alt logo - full color and reversed
Florida Poly Mark logo - full color and reversed
Florida Poly Alt logo t-shirt application
Florida Poly Business Card mock up